   -- useful additional primitives for K12xx platforms
    Copyright (C) Tektronix, Inc. 1998 - 2001. All rights reserved.
    @see     GNU LGPL
    @author  Tektronix CTE              @(#) %derived_by: guidod %
    @version %version: bln_mpt1!1.18 %
      (%date_modified: Tue Aug 27 17:22:25 2002 %)
                This wordset adds some additional primitives that
  		are useful in K12xx environments.
#if defined(__version_control__) && defined(__GNUC__)
static char* id __attribute__((unused)) = 
"@(#) $Id: %full_filespec:  host-k12.c~bln_mpt1!1.18:csrc:bln_12xx!1 % $";
#define _P4_SOURCE 1
#include <pfe/pfe-base.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef VxWorks
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ioLib.h>
#include <pfe/term-k12.h>
#include <pfe/logging.h>

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef _K12_SOURCE #include <pfe/main-k12.h> #endif
/** BOOT-SCRIPT@ ( -- s-a s-n )
   the file that will be include on next => COLD boot
   DO NOT USE! will vanish w/o warning in the next version!
FCode (p4_boot_script_fetch)
    if (PFE.set->include_file)
        FX_PUSH (PFE.set->include_file);
        FX_PUSH (strlen (PFE.set->include_file));
        FX_PUSH (0);
        FX_PUSH (0);
/** BOOT-SCRIPT: ( "string" -- )
   DO NOT USE! will vanish w/o warning in the next version!
   see => BOOT-SCRIPT@
FCode (p4_boot_script_colon)
    p4_word_parseword (' '); *DP=0; /* PARSE-WORD-NOHERE */
# ifdef _K12_SOURCE
        register p4_emu_t* p4 = P4_K12_EMUL(p4TH);

        strncpy (p4->includes, PFE.word.ptr, PFE.word.len);
        PFE.set->include_file = p4->includes;
# else
        p4_throw (P4_ON_OBSOLETED);
#endif }
/** OPEN-TERMINAL-LOGFILE ( s-buf s-len -- )
   open terminal logfile named by the string-buffer
   all further output to the terminal window is also logged into
   this file. This is especially useful in embedded environments
   where the terminal connection is often not used or it is
   directed to a different location that does not easily allow to
   redirect the forth output to a file for further examination.
FCode (p4_open_terminal_logfile)
    char* filename = p4_pocket_filename ((p4char*) SP[1], (p4ucell) SP[0]);
    if (! filename || ! strlen (filename)) return;
# ifdef _K12_SOURCE
        p4_emu_t* p4 = P4_K12_EMUL(p4TH);
        p4->private.tx_logfile = open (filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0640);
        if (p4->private.tx_logfile == -1)
            P4_warn1 ("could not open terminal logfile %s", filename);
            p4->private.tx_logfile = 0;
# endif }
   close terminal logfile opened with => OPEN-TERMINAL-LOGFILE
FCode (p4_close_terminal_logfile)
#  ifdef _K12_SOURCE
        p4_emu_t* p4 = P4_K12_EMUL(p4TH);
        if (p4->private.tx_logfile)
            close (p4->private.tx_logfile);
            p4->private.tx_logfile = 0;
# endif }
/** TERMINAL-ANSWER-LINK ( -- sap#* )
   send terminal-output as a data-message to the specified link sap.
   Unlike => TERMINAL-OUTPUT-LINE the data-messages are in line-mode.
   The flushed characters are buffered until a non-printable character
   is seen. This is somewhat more useful when treating pfe as a print
   service and testing machine, but can not provide for interactivity.
FCode (p4_terminal_answer_link)
# ifdef _K12_SOURCE
        p4_emu_t* p4 = P4_K12_EMUL(p4TH);
        FX_PUSH (&(p4->private.qx_link));
# endif }
/** TERMINAL-OUTPUT-LINK ( -- sap#* )
   send terminal-output as a data-message to the specified link sap.
   This can be used in an embedded systems for a terminal session simulation.
   setting zero-sap will disable sending message-frames (the zero sap is
   therefore not usable for output-to-link). The startup default is zero.
FCode (p4_terminal_output_link)
# ifdef _K12_SOURCE
        p4_emu_t* p4 = P4_K12_EMUL(p4TH);
        FX_PUSH (&(p4->private.tx_link));
# endif }
/** TERMINAL-INPUT-LINK ( -- sap#* )
   let the forth stdin-handling look for data-messages on this link too.
   These will be interpreted like messages that come from the interactive
   forth terminal. This can be used in an embedded systems for a terminal 
   session simulation. setting zero-sap will disable interpreting these
   incoming data-frames as keyboard-strings (so that the zero sap is
   therefore not usable for an input-link!). The startup default is zero.
FCode (p4_terminal_input_link)
# ifdef _K12_SOURCE
        p4_emu_t* p4 = P4_K12_EMUL(p4TH);
        FX_PUSH (&(p4->private.rx_link));
# endif }
   returns the address of the emulations state variable so it can be
   read and explicitly changed to another value from forth text. This is
   a very questionable thing to do as the emulation-state is actually
   an enumerated value, the ESE will just show question-marks setting 
   this variable to something not understood.
    register k12_priv* k12p = P4_K12_PRIV(p4TH);
P4_LISTWORDS (host_k12) =
    P4_INTO ("FORTH", 0),
    P4_FXco ("BOOT-SCRIPT:",   p4_boot_script_colon),
    P4_FXco ("BOOT-SCRIPT@",   p4_boot_script_fetch),
# ifdef _K12_SOURCE
    P4_OCoN ("#K1297-G20",     _K12_SOURCE+100),
# endif

    P4_FXco ("OPEN-TERMINAL-LOGFILE",    p4_open_terminal_logfile),
    P4_FXco ("CLOSE-TERMINAL-LOGFILE",   p4_close_terminal_logfile),
    P4_FXco ("TERMINAL-EMULATION-STATE", p4_terminal_emulation_state),
    P4_FXco ("TERMINAL-ANSWER-LINK",     p4_terminal_answer_link),
    P4_FXco ("TERMINAL-OUTPUT-LINK",     p4_terminal_output_link),
    P4_FXco ("TERMINAL-INPUT-LINK",      p4_terminal_input_link),
; P4_COUNTWORDS (host_k12, "HOST-K12 extensions");
   Local variables:
   c-file-style: "stroustrup"