   -- smart outer interpreter
    Copyright (C) Tektronix, Inc. 1998 - 2001. All rights reserved.
    @see     GNU LGPL
    @author  Tektronix CTE              @(#) %derived_by: guidod %
    @version %version:  1.14 %
      (%date_modified:  Tue Aug 13 12:50:19 2002 %)
        Smart Outer Interpreter allows to register executions tokens
        that get tied to a single char - if the outer interpreter 
        Compatiblity with former standards, miscellaneous useful words.
        ... for TOOLS-EXT
#if defined(__version_control__) && defined(__GNUC__)
static char* id __attribute__((unused)) = 
"@(#) $Id: %full_filespec:   smart-go-ext.c~1.14:csrc:bln_mpt1!1 % $";

#define _P4_SOURCE 1

#include <pfe/pfe-base.h>
#include <pfe/def-xtra.h>
#include <ctype.h>

static p4xt
_p4_smart_interpret_char (char c)
    auto char wd[] = "interpret- ";
    register char* nfa;
    register p4xt xt;
    wd[sizeof(wd)-2] = c;
    nfa = p4_find (wd, sizeof(wd)-1);
    if (!nfa || !(*_FFA(nfa)|P4xIMMEDIATE)) 
	return 0; /* must be immediate */
    xt = p4_name_from (nfa);
    if (P4_XT_VALUE(xt) != FX_GET_RT (p4_defer))
	return 0; /* must be DEFER or DOER */
    return xt;
p4_smart_interpret_char (char c) 
    if (!ispunct ((unsigned char) c))
        return NULL;
        return _p4_smart_interpret_char (c);
_p4_smart_interpret_init (char c, char const * nm, int l)
    auto char wd[] = "interpret- ";
    register char* nfa;
    wd[sizeof(wd)-2] = c;
    if (! (nfa = p4_find (nm, l))) return 0;
    if (! (*NFA2FF(nfa)|P4xIMMEDIATE)) return 0;

    p4_header_comma (wd, sizeof(wd)-1, CURRENT); FX_IMMEDIATE;
    FX_RUNTIME1 (p4_defer);
    FX_XCOMMA (p4_name_from (nfa));
    return nfa;
p4_smart_interpret_init (char c, char const * nm, int l)
    if (!_p4_smart_interpret_init (c, nm, l))
        p4_throw (P4_ON_UNDEFINED);
   creates a set of interpret-words that are used in the inner
   interpreter, so if a word is unknown to the interpreter-loop
   it will use the first char of that word, attach it to an 
   "interpret-" prefix, and tries to use that =>'IMMEDIATE'-=>'DEFER'-word 
   on the rest of the word. This => SMART-INTERPRET-INIT will set up
   words like interpret-" so you can write 
   <c>"hello"</c>  instead of   <c>" hello"</c>
   and it creates interpret-\ so that words like <c>\if-unix</c> are
   ignoring the line if the word <c>\if-unknown</c> is unknown in itself.
   This is usually <i>not</i> activated on startup.
FCode (p4_smart_interpret_init)
    /* so comments will even get shorter */
    _p4_smart_interpret_init ('(', "(", 1);   
    /* will silently ignore any unknown backslash word */
    _p4_smart_interpret_init ('\\', "\\", 1); 
    _p4_smart_interpret_init ('@', "@>", 2);
    _p4_smart_interpret_init ('!', "TO", 2);
    _p4_smart_interpret_init ('\'', "ASCII", 5);  /* C like */ 
    _p4_smart_interpret_init ('^', "CONTROL", 7); 
# ifdef P4_C_QUOTE
    _p4_smart_interpret_init ('\"', "C\"", 2); /* C like */ 
# else
    _p4_smart_interpret_init ('\"', "S\"", 2); /* C like */
# endif
   enables/disables the SMART-INTERPRET extension in => INTERPRET ,
   (actually stores an XT in => DEFER inside the mainloop interpreter)
FCode (p4_smart_interpret_store)
    if (FX_POP)
	PFE.smart_char = p4_smart_interpret_char;
	PFE.smart_char = NULL;
static p4ucell
FXCode (interpret_smart) /*hereclean*/
    register p4xt xt;
    /* scanned word-span is now at PFE.word. (not HERE) */

    if (! PFE.smart_char) return 0; /* quick path */

    /* WORD-string is at HERE */
    xt = PFE.smart_char (*PFE.word.ptr);
    if (! xt) return 0; /* quick path */

    TO_IN -= PFE.word.len; p4_skip_delimiter (*PFE.word.ptr);
    p4_call (xt);
    return 1;
#ifndef SMART_INTERPRET_SLOT /* USER-CONFIG: */ #define SMART_INTERPRET_SLOT 1 /* 1 == smart-ext / 2 == floating-ext */ #endif
static FCode (smart_interpret_deinit)
    PFE.interpret[SMART_INTERPRET_SLOT] = 0;
static FCode(smart_interpret_init)
    PFE.interpret[1] = PFX (interpret_smart);
    p4_forget_word ("deinit:smart-interpret:%i", SMART_INTERPRET_SLOT,
		    PFX (smart_interpret_deinit), SMART_INTERPRET_SLOT);
P4_LISTWORDS (smart_go) =
    P4_INTO ("EXTENSIONS", 0),
    P4_FXco ("SMART-INTERPRET-INIT",	p4_smart_interpret_init),
    P4_FXco ("SMART-INTERPRET!",	p4_smart_interpret_store),

    P4_XXco ("SMART-INTERPRET-LOADED",	smart_interpret_init),
; P4_COUNTWORDS (smart_go, "smart-go interpreter"); /*@}*/
   Local variables:
   c-file-style: "stroustrup"