   -- The Optional Programming-Tools Word Set
    Copyright (C) Tektronix, Inc. 1998 - 2001. All rights reserved.
    @see     GNU LGPL
    @author  Tektronix CTE              @(#) %derived_by: guidod %
    @version %version: bln_mpt1!5.18 %
      (%date_modified: Wed Jul 17 14:03:04 2002 %)
        The ANS Forth defines some "Programming Tools", words to
        inspect the stack (=>'.S'), memory (=>'DUMP'), 
        compiled code (=>'SEE') and what words
        are defined (=>'WORDS').
        There are also word that provide some precompiler support 
        and explicit acces to the =>'CS-STACK'.
#if defined(__version_control__) && defined(__GNUC__)
static char* id __attribute__((unused)) = 
"@(#) $Id: %full_filespec:  tools-ext.c~bln_mpt1!5.18:csrc:bln_12xx!1 % $";

#define _P4_SOURCE 1

#include <pfe/pfe-base.h>
#include <pfe/def-xtra.h>
#include <pfe/def-comp.h>
#include <pfe/term-sub.h>
#include <pfe/header-ext.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include <pfe/_missing.h>

#define DECWIDTH (sizeof (p4cell) * 5 / 2 + 1)
#define HEXWIDTH (sizeof (p4cell) * 2)

static void
p4_prCell (p4cell n)
    p4_outf ("%*ld [%0*lX] ",
      DECWIDTH, (long)n,
      HEXWIDTH, (unsigned long)n);
/** .S ( -- )
       print the stack content in vertical nice format.
       tries to show cell-stack and float-stack side-by-side,
  	 Depending on configuration,
  	there are two parameter stacks: for integers and for
  	floating point operations. If both stacks are empty, =>'.S'
  	will display the message <code>&lt;stacks empty&gt;</code>.
  	If only the floating point stack is empty, =>'.S' displays
  	the integer stack items  in one column, one item per line,
  	both in hex and in decimal like this (the first item is topmost):
 12345 HEX 67890 .S
    	424080 [00067890]
         12345 [00003039] ok
        If both stacks ar not empty, => .S displays both stacks, in two
  	columns, one item per line
 HEX 123456.78E90 ok
 DECIMAL 123456.78E90 .S
    	   291 [00000123]          1.234568E+95
    1164414608 [45678E90] ok
   	Confusing example? Remember that floating point input only works
   	when the => BASE number is =>'DECIMAL'. The first number looks like
   	a floating point but it is a goodhex double integer too - the number
   	base is =>'HEX'. Thus it is accepted as a hex number. Second try 
        with a decimal base will input the floating point number.
        If only the integer stack is empty, => .S shows two columns, but
        he first columns is called <tt>&lt;stack empty&gt;</tt>, and the
        second column is the floating point stack, topmost item first.
FCode (p4_dot_s)
    int i;
    int dd = p4_S0 - SP;
#  ifndef P4_NO_FP
    int fd = p4_F0 - FP;
    if (fd == 0)
#  endif
        if (dd == 0)
{   /* !fd !dd */
            /* both stacks empty */
            p4_outf ("\n%*s",
              (DECWIDTH + HEXWIDTH + 4), "<stacks empty> ");
{ /* !fd dd */
            /* only data stack not empty */
            for (i = 0; i < dd; i++)
                FX (p4_cr);
                p4_prCell (SP [i]);
# ifndef P4_NO_FP else if (dd == 0) /* fd !dd */
        /* only floating point stack not empty */
        p4_outf ("\n%*s%15.7G ",
          (DECWIDTH + HEXWIDTH + 4), "<stack empty> ", FP [0]);
        for (i = 1; i < fd; i++)
            p4_outf ("\n%*.7G ",
              (DECWIDTH + HEXWIDTH + 4) + 15, FP [i]);
{ /* fd dd */
        int bd = dd < fd ? dd : fd;
        for (i = 0; i < bd; i++)
	    FX (p4_cr);
	    p4_prCell (SP [i]);
	    p4_outf ("%15.7G ", FP [i]);
for (; i < dd; i++)
	    FX (p4_cr);
	    p4_prCell (SP [i]);
for (; i < fd; i++) p4_outf ("\n%*.7G ", (DECWIDTH + HEXWIDTH + 4) + 15, FP [i]); }
# endif }
/** ? ( addr -- )
   Display the (integer) content of at address <tt>addr</tt>.
   This word is sensitive to =>'BASE'
   : ?  @ . ;
FCode (p4_question)
    FX (p4_fetch);
    FX (p4_dot);
/** DUMP ( addr len -- )
   show a hex-dump of the given area, if it's more than a screenful
   it will ask using => ?CR
   You can easily cause a segmentation fault of something like that
   by accessing memory that does not belong to the pfe-process.
FCode (p4_dump)
    p4ucell i, j, n = (p4ucell) FX_POP;
    p4char *p;
    p = P4_POP_ (p4char*, SP);
    FX (p4_cr);
    FX (p4_start_Q_cr);
    p4_outf ("%*s ", HEXWIDTH, "");
    for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
        p4_outf ("%02X ", (unsigned)((p4ucell)(p + j) & 0x0F));
    for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
        p4_outf ("%X", (unsigned)((p4ucell)(p + j) & 0x0F));
    for (i = 0; i < n; i += 16, p += 16)
        if (p4_Q_cr ())
        p4_outf ("%0*lX ", HEXWIDTH, (unsigned long)(p4ucell)p);
        for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
            p4_outf ("%02X ", p [j]);
        for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
            p4_outf ("%c", p4_isprint (p [j]) ? p [j] : '.');
FX (p4_space); }
/** SEE ( "word" -- )
    decompile word - tries to show it in re-compilable form.
    => (SEE) tries to display the word as a reasonable indented
    source text. If you defined your own control structures or
    use extended control-flow patterns, the indentation may be
   : SEE  [COMPILE] ' (SEE) ; 
FCode (p4_see)
    char *nfa = p4_tick_nfa ();
    p4_decompile (nfa, p4_name_from(nfa));
/** WORDS ( -- )
   uses CONTEXT and lists the words defined in that vocabulary.
   usually the vocabulary to list is named directly in before.
FCode (p4_words)
    Wordl *wl = CONTEXT [0] ? CONTEXT [0] : ONLY;
    p4_wild_words (wl, "*", NULL);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Programming-Tools Extension words */
/** AHEAD ( -- DP-mark ORIG-magic ) compile-only
   : AHEAD  MARK> (ORIG#) ;
FCode (p4_ahead)
    FX (p4_forward_mark);
/** BYE ( -- ) no-return
   should quit the forth environment completly
FCode (p4_bye)
    FX (p4_save_buffers);
    FX (p4_close_all_files);
    if (P4_opt.quiet)
        p4_outc ('\n');
        p4_outs ("\nGoodbye!\n");
#  ifndef _K12_SOURCE
    p4_longjmp_exit ();
#  else
    /* BYE doesn't make sense in an embedded system. */
    FX (p4_cold);
#  endif /* _K12_SOURCE */
/** CS-PICK ( 2a 2b 2c ... n -- 2a 2b 2c ... 2a )
   pick a value in the compilation-stack - note that the compilation
   stack _can_ be seperate in some forth-implemenations. In PFE
   the parameter-stack is used in a double-cell fashion, so CS-PICK
   would 2PICK a DP-mark and a COMP-magic, see => PICK
FCode (p4_cs_pick)
    p4cell n = (*SP-- + 1) << 1;
    SP [0] = SP [n];
    SP [1] = SP [n + 1];
/** CS-ROLL ( 2a 2b 2c ... n -- 2b 2c ... 2a )
   roll a value in the compilation-stack - note that the compilation
   stack _can_ be seperate in some forth-implemenations. In PFE
   the parameter-stack is used in a double-cell fashion, so CS-ROLL
   would 2ROLL a DP-mark and a COMP-magic, see => ROLL
FCode (p4_cs_roll)
    p4cell n = *SP++;
    p4dcell h = ((p4dcell *)SP) [n];
    for (; n > 0; n--)
        ((p4dcell *)SP) [n] = ((p4dcell *)SP) [n - 1];
    ((p4dcell *)SP) [0] = h;
/** FORGET ( "word" -- )
FCode (p4_forget)
    if (LAST) FX (p4_reveal);
    p4_forget (_FFA (p4_tick_nfa (FX_VOID)));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** [ELSE] ( -- )
   eat up everything upto and including the next [THEN]. count
   nested [IF] ... [THEN] constructs. see => [IF]
 this word provides a simple pre-compiler mechanism
FCode (p4_bracket_else)
    char *p;
    int len, level = 1;

        for (;;)
            p = p4_word (' ');
            if ((len = *(p4char*)p++) == 0)
            if (UPPER_CASE)
                p4_upper (p, len);
            if (len == 4 && strncmp (p, "[IF]", 4) == 0)
            else if (len == 6 && strncmp (p, "[ELSE]", 6) == 0)
                if (--level == 0) return; else ++level;
            else  if (len == 6 && strncmp (p, "[THEN]", 6) == 0)
                if (--level == 0) return;
while (p4_refill ()); p4_throw (P4_ON_UNEXPECTED_EOF); }
/** [IF] ( flag -- )
   check the condition in the CS-STACK. If true let the following
   text flow into => INTERPRET , otherwise eat up everything upto
   and including the next => [ELSE] or => [THEN] . In case of 
   skipping, count nested [IF] ... [THEN] constructs.
 this word provides a simple pre-compiler mechanism
FCode (p4_bracket_if)
    if (FX_POP == 0)
        FX (p4_bracket_else);
/* missing TOOLS-EXT ASSEMBLER */ /* missing TOOLS-EXT CODE */ /* missing TOOLS-EXT ;CODE */
/* missing TOOLS-EXT EDITOR */
P4_LISTWORDS (tools) =
    P4_INTO ("[ANS]", 0),
    P4_FXco (".S",		p4_dot_s),
    P4_FXco ("DUMP",		p4_dump),
    P4_FXco ("SEE",		p4_see),
    P4_FXco ("WORDS",		p4_words),
    P4_IXco ("AHEAD",		p4_ahead), /*fixme: isn't that incorrect ? */
    P4_FXco ("BYE",		p4_bye),
    P4_FXco ("CS-PICK",		p4_cs_pick),
    P4_FXco ("CS-ROLL",		p4_cs_roll),
    P4_FXco ("FORGET",		p4_forget),
    P4_IXco ("[ELSE]",		p4_bracket_else),
    P4_IXco ("[IF]",		p4_bracket_if),
    P4_IXco ("[THEN]",		p4_noop),
    P4_FXco ("?",		p4_question),

    P4_INTO ("ENVIRONMENT", 0 ),
    P4_OCON ("TOOLS-EXT",	1994 ),
; P4_COUNTWORDS (tools, "TOOLS Programming-Tools (without ASSEMBLER)");